Patron: Her Excellency the Honourable Frances Adamson AC Governor of South Australia

Client Reintegration Services


Crisis Accommodation

OARS CT’s crisis accommodation is located in Pt Augusta, Pt Lincoln, Mt Gambier, Berri, Brompton, Christie Downs and Seacombe Gardens.  Hostel accommodation consists of a share house with own bedroom for men over the age of 18 years.  The crisis accommodation at Seacombe Gardens is made up of a core cluster of 7 individual units.  Tenancies are for a period of 3 months during which time all residents will be provided with case management support.  Referrals can be made through Prison Social Workers or post release direct self-referrals.  Individual case management is provided for the duration of the tenancy and whilst the focus is around support to secure appropriate accommodation, all life domains are addressed in consultation with the client.

This program is funded as part of the National Affordable Housing Agreement (NAHA) via the Department for Communities & Social Inclusion, SA.


Homelessness Gateway Service

OARS CT provides a gateway service for clients who may be in imminent need or are homeless.  Clients can contact the OARS CT office at 33 Franklin Street, Adelaide, Phone No 8384 4193, or our Port Adelaide Office at 53-61 Dale Street, Port Adelaide, Phone No 8249 0700 to schedule an appointment for support in accessing boarding houses or crisis accommodation, such as night shelters.

This program is funded as part of the National Affordable Housing Agreement (NAHA) via the Department for Communities & Social Inclusion, SA.

Transitional Accommodation

Transitional accommodation is available for men and women exiting custody. The conditions of tenancy include engagement in case management support with an OARS CT Case Worker.

As part of the outreach support and case management, Case Workers and clients develop a holistic case management plan, develop goals and undertake specific tasks to achieve these goals.

Referrals are accepted from all prisons throughout South Australia, and OARS CT Crisis Accommodation.

This program is funded as part of the National Affordable Housing Agreement (NAHA) via the Department for Communities & Social Inclusion, SA.

Transitional Housing Program (THP) – Women’s

Transitional accommodation is available for women exiting custody. The conditions of tenancy include engagement in case management support with an OARS CT Case Worker.

As part of the outreach support and case management, Case Workers and clients develop a holistic case management plan.  Clients develop attainable goals to work toward, and implement tasks to achieve these goals.  The dedicated team of female case workers are engaged with additional women’s specific services.

Referrals are accepted from the Adelaide Women’s Prison within two months of the expected release date of the client.  Women in custody are prioritised by their release date, their homelessness status upon release, and their identified high needs.

OARS CT has access to 12 month transitional properties leased by Community Housing Providers and 13 transitional properties are allocated for the use of women exiting prison.

This program is funded as part of the National Affordable Housing Agreement (NAHA) via the Department for Communities & Social Inclusion, SA.

Integrated Housing Exits Program (IHEP)

The Integrated Housing Exits Program (IHEP) is a partnership between the Department for Correctional Services, Housing SA and OARS CT.  The aim of the IHEP service is to reduce prisoner exits into homelessness. Referrals to this program are made by the Department for Correctional Services and the support and case management is provided by OARS CT Reintegration Services.

To be eligible for IHEP participants must be:

  • Deemed category 1 by Housing SA
  • Incarcerated for less than 12 months

Referrals are received from the DCS IHEP Coordinator, when accommodation is offered.  There are 60 properties assigned to the program state-wide. Although the IHEP properties are predominately in the metropolitan area, referrals to this program are available in Berri, Mt Gambier and Port Augusta.

This program is funded as part of the National Partnerships Agreement on Homelessness (NPAH) via the Department for Communities & Social Inclusion, SA.

Integrated Housing Exits Alternative Accommodation & Support (IHEAAS)

The Integrated Housing Exits Alternative Accommodation & Support program is an additional service for Prisoners assessed for IHEP who have not been assigned a property. The IHEAAS Program supports released Prisoners via intensive case management and support to access alternative accommodation within the community.

This program is funded as part of the National Partnerships Agreement on Homelessness (NPAH) via the Department for Communities & Social Inclusion, SA.

Perpetrator Accommodation Service

The Perpetrator Housing Service (PHS) Transitional Program provides accommodation and support for males excluded from the family home due to a Domestic Violence (DV) Intervention Order. OARS CT supports clients in 10 beds around the State (8 in the metropolitan area and 2 Family Violence units in Port Augusta).

Tenancies are for a period of 6 months and are targeted at men who are participating in the Court Ordered Intervention Program.  These men may be mandated by the courts to attend the DV Intervention Court and are hence unable, due to an Intervention Order, to return to their homes and families.  Individual Case Management is provided for the duration of the tenancy and whilst the focus is around support to secure appropriate accommodation, all life domains are addressed in consultation with the client.

This program is funded as part of the National Affordable Housing Agreement (NAHA) via the Department for Communities & Social Inclusion, SA.


OARS CT is in the process of developing specialised employment services for people being released from prison.