Patron: Her Excellency the Honourable Frances Adamson AC Governor of South Australia

Specialised Client Services

OARS CT is an approved member of the Disability Services Provider Panel (DSPP).  The service aims to provide stability and security to clients by providing support and access to services, including the provision and/or referral for accommodation.

The following programs are currently provided:

Care Finder Program (CFP)

OARS Community Transitions provides support to individuals to navigate and access aged care services.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The focus is on individuals aged 65 years and over (or 50 years and over for Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander people) who have no formal or informal supports.
  • Prematurely aged individuals aged 50 years and over (45 years and over for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people), whose life experiences such as active military service, homelessness or substance abuse has seen them age prematurely and who have no formal or informal supports.

This is a flexible support service, time limited up to 3 months with up to 100 hours of service support.  The goal is to support participants to gain skills and confidence to be independent.
The purpose of the support package enables linkages with other relevant agencies for long term support.

The Care Finders Program offers the following supports

  • Support to test eligibility and access NDIS or My Aged Care funding
  • Linkages to relevant support services – domestic cleaners, accessing financial grants, etc.
  • An Assistance with Accommodation Service – referrals / advocacy for longer term housing and / or
    mitigating tenancy issues
  • Assistance to address hoarding & squalor
  • Referral Process

    Please contact OARS Team Leader Justin Estepa on M: 0408 921 572, E: to discuss any potential referrals.

    A referral form will be distributed. Once completed please send a copy to the email address, it will be reviewed for allocation to the Care Finders program.

    Community Connections Program (CCP)

    Community Transitions has been funded by the Department of Human Services to provide support for people to build stronger social and community connections and to increase people’s independence in the home.

    Eligibility Criteria

    • Aged between 18 – 64 years old

    (if Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, aged between 18-49)

    • Need short-term support to improve independence or to develop or maintain connections with support networks
    • Are not eligible for federal programs such as National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and My Aged Care.
    • Reside in the Western Region of Adelaide

    Priority will be given to:

    • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
    • people from new and emerging culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
    • people who identify as being from the LGBTIQA+ community.
    • unpaid carers.
    • people who are financially disadvantaged.
    • people living in communities of persistent or location-based disadvantage.

    Referral Process

    Referrals can be made by contacting the CCP Team on 08 8249 0700 or email

    More information about this program is provided on DHS website: